Friday, September 26, 2008


I was just watching everyone's favorite Suze Orman talk about the dive in the economy. This is an amazing event and our childrens' children will talk about this in school someday. I know that not all of you are members of our church, and I am not preaching here, but man I just had the most amazing moment. I thought of a conference address that was referenced by one of our local leaders just about a month ago. President Hinckley gave a talk to the church and said that even though he was not forecasting anything catastrophic, he told us all that he was very impressed to tell all of us to get our houses in order. The church has always taught self sufficiency. No debt, a years supply of food, a 72 hour disaster preparedness kit, and at least 6 months salary in savings. This address was a couple of years ago. If we were doing what he asked us all to do, this turn of events in the economy would not have had the impact on us that it is having on so many. I have to say that I was so impressed that what he was saying was true.
I am feeling thankful that we have heeded this advice for the most part, and while we have some work to do, I am grateful that we are not in worse shape.
I had to write this down because it hit me so strongly. If everyone had followed this counsel, there would not be a crisis like this to even be talking about. What an amazing time we are living in.......

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