Friday, November 7, 2008

Terrorists, socialists, and anti-christs...oh my!

WARNING: political content ahead!
I am not a democrat. I am not a republican. I am on the fence in the middle. I look over the fence onto both sides. I have things I like in both yards. One yard is not better than the other yard, just soo different. I have been in both yards to picnics and cook outs and the crowds are so different. For this most recent cook out I have chosen the yard on the left. The yard on the right is a good yard with a host who has many of the same ideals as I do, but the host in the left yard is speaking to my heart a little more the the other.
Enough of the yard analogy, it makes me tired. Ok, so I voted for Barack Obama. I feel strongly that he is what our country needs right now. I can't believe how divisive this campaign has been. I have been wary of sharing my decision with those around me as most of them voted for John McCain. Why should I be afraid to share my views? All I have to say is this: Most of my friends are conservative. I feel alone not being able to shout my joy at the outcome of this election so far. I want to shout to them that they have no need to worry and that the world is NOT going to hell in a hand basket because Obama won. I want them to know that the economy and stock market have performed better in the past 60 years under democratic leadership. That is a fact. I want to remind them that they were this sad when Clinton won in 92 but no one was complaining in 2000 about our great economic status when he left office......
I like to their fruits ye shall know them! Look at the state of our country at the end of Bush's 8 years. Quite a contrast.
I do have to say I got tears in my eyes just listening to McCain's concession speech. I believe he is a good man who gave in to the party who pushed him farther into negativity in his campaign.
(as well as a strange pick for vp)- I won't even go there. Africa is a continent honey...
I can't even listen to Obama's acceptance speech without crying.
Just as McCain is a good man, so is Barack. He loves this country. He does not want to bring socialism to us. He is not a Muslim, he is not a terrorist, he is not an Arab. He is definitely not the anti-christ. And even more sadly so, who cares if he were a Muslim. There are lots of very patriotic and peaceful American Muslims. Aren't we saying to every young Muslim child out there, you can never be president of the country you love? I applauded McCain when he defended Obama in the town hall meeting from the crazy rants of a woman claiming him to be an Arab. That is the McCain I know and love from the past.
As much as you want to privatize things and keep government small, I say that that would be great in a perfect world, but no one is stepping up to do it the right way.
I am the mother of a severely disabled child, and through many years of researching help offered to parents of kids with disabilities, it is unfortunately the blue states that far surpass the red ones with that kind of help. Some kind hearted soul with lots of money should step up and privatize these benefits but they are not. The government is the only place we can turn to.
Obama is not coming to steal your money. MOST of us do not make more than 250,000. I wish I did so I could pay my extra 3%. I could afford it. Those who were taxed more under Clinton didn't complain because they were raking in way more than they were being taxed in a thriving economy. Remember?
These are the main reasons I chose not to vote for McCain. I am conservative in some ways- I do not support abortion, but if my daughter or I were raped or the victim of incest or had a life threatening condition, I would want to be able to make that choice prayerfully. Our church does teach this by the way. Those are the only times I would even think of making that choice. If I am to make that choice in those situations, abortion would have to be available. I do think it is a horrible thing in any other instance and maybe even not an option in the situations I described, but I would want to be able to make that choice.

Ok I am off my soap box now.

All I have to say is I feel hopeful for the future. The world is looking at us in a different and more positive light. A good change is coming and I am supporting my president.
I think hope did win on Tuesday.
Don't hate me for thinking that.

OH, and one last thing. Just because I am LDS does not mean that I have to vote republican. I LOVE when the letter from the leadership of the church is read in sacrament meeting stating that they do not affiliate with any political party or candidate. There are good eternal principles in the ideology on both sides. I am sickened and saddened by the stories of other LDS folks who have chosen the way I have and have been shunned in their church community. Shame on those who behave that way. That is not the Gospel of Jesus Christ in action......

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I am also a conservative who voted for Obama, and I can relate to the reluctance to talk about it. I can't believe the hysteria that's gone around thanks to the Internet.

I am so excited that we finally have a minority president, and I pray that God will direct him to make wise decisions in this difficult economy.

By the way, I'm a coworker of your sister-in-law Tina.